Aminorar el ritmo es una forma de vivir con calidad

Since 1986 Carlo Pretini promulgates slow down the rhythm of life. It considers the possibility of living enjoying slow food cooked step by step as it is typical in the Italian culture. He is the prime mover of the slow food movement, which has been the lead to other similar movements as Slow Movement, Slow Living, Slow Travel, Slow Design or Slow Cities. Slow City, Cittaslow o Ciudades Lentas is a movement that emerge in the nineties in Italy. It has been extended worldwide, and now it´s in almost 30 countries. If a city wants to be a member of the community, it should obey the requirements that guarantee this lifestyle. Also, they have to pay, depending on the category they are: Town Cittaslow (less than 50.000 inhab). Follower Cittaslow (more de 50.000 inhab.), or Friend Cittaslow ( people that promulgate slow principles). Cittalow philosophy consists on living quietly. They recover memory in a globalize world because the real important… read more →