La mala gestión de los residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos genera negocio ilícito.

In 2014, the illegal management of Electronic and Electrical machine waste already has produced 178 people impeached. Bad praxis and stolen machines, are the causes. The infractors collect the Electric and Electronic waste, they fixed them and after that, they sold them in domestic and international markets. Instead of delivering to authorize management wasters, the drivers got the machines and sold individually or to second hand shops. In this way, the Electronic and Electric waste was no recycled in an appropriate way. The Spanish Environmental Authorities said that the environmental crime was that the infractors repaired the machines, and the reparation didn´t allow to get back the CFC, or HCFC gases. These bad practices causes bad injuries to the ozone layer. The infractor were impeached both against nature crime and wrongful appropriation. The Spanish Consumer Organization has condemned this irregularity. The consumers pay extra charges in order to assure the electric and electronic recycled, although recent researches have proved that… read more →