La cantidad de vidrio que se recicla se ha mejorado notablemente en los últimos años.

Since 1990, Europe has increased glass recycling rate in 131%. Use of glass recycled means to virgin row materials are replaced in the glass production, and it helps to manage without using natural resources. Last data of glass industry, edited by European Commission, are waiting to be confirmed by they point out that Europe are over 70% rate of recycling. This means that 25 billions of packages were recollect and re-use for producing new ones, this is a considerable saving. Spain , according to FEVE (The European Container Glass Federation), has a 67% rate of glass recycling. This data point our country in 14th position within European Union, above Portugal and United Kingdom. Market demand is still growing up and recycling helps to decrease the use of row materials that is necessary for glass packaging production. Only Spain consumed 1.400.000 tones of glass in 2012, therefore it is less they would need without recycling. Between 1990 and 2012, consume of… read more →