La gestión de residuos también recibirá ayudas estatales de la Unión Europea

First time in history, Member State can attribute grants for recycling and waste management, without formal advice of the European Commission. Commission checked out the General Regulations of Exemptions by Categories. They allow grants inside the community market. In the first of July of 2014, it is coming into force, but after the official publication on the DOUE. These regulations are a really important part of the legislation about national grants of the EU. It means, there are the rules that determine when a Member State can provide economical support to the companies o to the industries. Recycling and waste management grants are compatible with domestic market, but only when they respect European Waste hierarchy and they should provide an advance in the technique state of art, beside other requirements. First, Member State can´t apply a national grant without previous endorsement of the European Commission. For this purpose, each national grant has to be notified to the European Commission. After… read more →