En 2025 no se podrá enviar a vertedero los residuos reciclables, según Bruselas.

European Commission proposed to forbid recyclable waste in landfills in 2025 and the double goal, recycle 70% of urban garbage and 80% of packaging. “If we want to compete we should optimize our resources and this means we should recycle and we should find new uses in order to avoid landfills and reuse materials in productive processes”, said Environment commissioner, Janez Potocnik in a press release. European Commission plans to check European regulations for strengthen, they want in 2025 to disappear recyclable waste in landfills: plastics, metals, glass, paper and cartoon, and biodegradable waste. And in 2030 the goal is to delete landfills. This measure will be hold in two objectives. On the one hand, we should get a 70% rate of urban waste in 2030 and 80% for packaging. The objectives proposed for 2030 are in the way to speed up towards circular economy and also for exploring business and employment opportunities. Although, the Community Manager let next commissioner meeting, to make the decision about the commitment of these goals for State Members. It is basic to work in progress other measures at the same time that are in the same direction of the general strategic of circular economy: design, research, innovation, promote investment, business support, modernize politics, and waste objectives. The Commission also proposed simplify community regulations about waste, and to promote cooperation between Brussels and State Member in order to guarantee a better application of the rules. Before the proposal enters into force, it should be checked by European Parliament and the Twenty-eight meeting. Source: Lainformacion.com