La Comunidad Valencia cuenta con el prototipo industrial de cómo reciclar plasmas y placas solares

Valencia Community is able to take advantage of LCD screen, plasma, and solar panel wastes, because there is a new prototype of industrial make off re-using, recycling and becoming new materials. The Project, HTWT (High Technology Waste Treatment) started last year by the European Commission with the leadership of Consejería de Intraestructuras , Territorio y Medio Ambiente (local council). The main proposal is to develop the most appropriate treatment in these kind of waste that is raising every day. LCD o liquid glass screens, are integrated in our day life in television, digital screens, smartphones and all these modern types of device that allow us to connect ourselves. Furthermore, in Europe we have 150.000 tones of flat-screen tv per year, 120.000 tones come from LCD and 30.000 come from plasma. With an amount of 1.4 milions of euros, it is a solution for a growing waste. This prototype is in Recytech (Beniparrell) plant. When product useful lives finish, they collect and treat them following European framework. The key of the Project is to use the induction technology when they treat the dangerous substances that are in the equipments. Dismantling system is also innovative for these kinds of substances. The objectives are also: reduce the energetic consume, take care of natural resources when they increase the life period, and reduce garbage dump waste. Finally, wasting activity generates employment when collecting, treating and transport Source: (EFE), La