La producción de alimentos causa emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero que hacen peligrar el cumplimiento de los objetivos establecidos por la ONU

Gas emissions of greenhouse effect that comes from food production make difficult to get climate goals of the United Nations. Technologic University of Chalmers (Suecia) research indicates that it will be complex to reduce increasing of global temperature until 2 ºC. The study show the food production causes gas emissions of greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide that comes from energy and transport sector are the main pollution producers. If they reduce the emissions of these sectors, it won´t be enough to guarantee to be under the UN limit while agricultural emissions are still growing up because global consume of milk and meat is increasing. If agricultural emissions doesn´t have any treatment, nitrous oxide of the fields and methane of the livestock can double in 2070, and therefore it will provoke the goal was impossible to get. This research demonstrates that reduction in consumption is key for climate pollution gets save levels. Change in dieting is a way to be environmental friendly.… read more →