Previsiones de la Agencia Internacional de Energía Atómica

In 2013, the International Atomic Energy Agency continued its wide range of technical and scientific activities, with the goal of making a sustained contribution to the needs of Member States. This report provides a review of developments in 2013 related to nuclear issues as seen from the perspective of the Agency and in the light of the Agency’s own programme. The Agency’s diverse programmatic work focused, in a balanced manner, on nuclear technology and its applications, nuclear safety and security, nuclear verification, and technical cooperation. The Agency continued its efforts to increase the synergy between the scientific and technical parts of its program and its technical cooperation activities. This review is not intended to be comprehensive, but instead follows a number of selected themes: the current situation regarding nuclear power; the application of nuclear related techniques in food and agriculture, human health, water resources management and environmental monitoring; the Agency’s efforts to strengthen global nuclear safety culture and enhance nuclear… read more →