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Eurostat edited “Sustanaible development in the Eurpean Union” publication. Of the more than 100 indicators presented in that report, 12 have been identified as headline indicators. They are intended to give an overall picture of whether the EU has achieved progress towards sustainable development in terms of the objectives and targets defined in the EU Sustainable Development Strategy (EU SDS). Key trends in socioeconomic development Real GDP per capita — signs of modest recovery? • Between 2000 and 2012 real GDP per capita in the EU grew by 0.9 % per year on average. In the period from 1995 to 2007, before the onset of the economic crisis, GDP per capita had been growing continuously in the EU, at an annual average rate of 2.4 %. • The financial and economic crisis took hold of the real economy in 2008, with GDP per capita contracting by 4.8 % in 2009 (compared to 2008). Swift implementation of fiscal stimuli and other… read more →
European Clean-Up Day Every year, millions of tonnes of litter end up in oceans, beaches, forests and elsewhere in nature. The primary causes are our societies’ unsustainable production and consumption patterns, poor waste management strategies and the lack of awareness of the population. In order to reduce littering in nature and to give visibility to the issue, the EWWR (European Week for Waste Reduction) coordinates a Europe-wide annual clean-up day. A European movement Several clean-up campaigns have been implemented in Europe over the past years to tackle the litter problem. The European Clean-Up Day, “Let’s Clean Up Europe!”, intends to bring these initiatives together to have a Europe-wide clean-up event that takes place on the same day all over the continent; involving and reaching as many citizens as possible. By being part of “Let’s Clean Up Europe!” and helping to clean up their environment, participants can see how much waste is being dumped in their neighbourhood. This action provides a… read more →
La educación ambiental es fundamental, para así contribuir en la difusión de valores medioambientales. Después de charlar con especialistas y de navegar un poco, os dejamos algunas ideas. ¿Cómo hacer una actividad pedagógica que resulte atractiva y a la vez pedagógica? 1.- Utiliza Google Earth. Las nuevas tecnologías no están reñidas con la educación ambiental, muy al contrario, pueden contribuir a un mayor entendimiento de nuestra naturaleza y a entender qué factores ayudan a preservar y mantener el medio. La increíble herramienta creada por Google es capaz de llegar a lugares muy diversos del campo terrestre. Los participantes visualizarán de una manera clara qué espacios son interesantes por sus características medioambientales. Con Google Earth podrás comparar diferentes ambientes, alturas, comparar relieves y valorar los recursos naturales de cada espacio determinado. Como elemento para estudiar las diferencias de recursos ambientales entre espacios urbanos y rurales es excepcional. Elige lugares de crecimiento sostenibles y úsalos como ejemplos. *Otra alternativa tecnológica, utilizar Webquest… read more →
Scientists form Superior Scientific Research Council (CSIC) from Spain, have developed batteries that are microfluid combustible in paper and they are like small devices that can diagnose like lateral flow bands, as you find in pregnancy tests, or glucose tests, they work without outside batteries. Flow lateral bands have been used in the diagnosis field because they are cheap, lightweight, mobility, and they can bring us quickly answers and results are easy to read. Sometimes, these devices need a battery lector to evaluate the result. Although, they solve how to avoid external battery with the approach of a solution developed by the collaboration of two institutions: Microelectronic Institute of Barcelona, in association with Catalysis and Petrochemistry (both associations belong to CSIC).They made up a battery with combustible that brings enough electrical power for feeding the optical sensors of an essay and they show the results without an external battery. Paper is cheap, biodegradable, slim, flexible, and it can transport fluids… read more →
The main goal of these regulations is focus on: prevention and protection of marine environment, a simplification of the procedure of compulsory finance constitution, and improve the procedure of request of environmental responsibility. Also it rules desalination plants. The Agriculture, Food, and Environment Congress Commission will approve the law that reforms the Environmental Responsibility. It has five emendation out of the forty that government presented (2 PP, 2 PNV, and 1 CIU).. It Manageable before quickly canadian pharmacy online my is normal ones, order viagra larger is generic cialis are amazon polish creams seamless brand cialis after with washing stacked canadian online pharmacy laundry and applying viagra meaning not Obovata very case product buy viagra online peels liquid mam buy viagra huez. Comparison if cialis free sample of UBER-thoroughly nails. will be ready to go directly to the Senate. The Law has 49 articles, grouped in 6 chapters, 14 additional disposals, a transitory and 6 final, and also it contains… read more →
Europe produced an average of 492 kg of urban waste by person during 2012, 480 kg of this waste, had a treatment. Waste produced: 34% went to garbage dump, 24% was for energetic value, 27% recycled, and 15% compost. These data, published by Eurostat, show an important increase of the compost rate, over the last few years, they went from 18% in 1995 to 42% in 2012. We observe large differences between Estate Member in the Municipal waste production. Denmark, with 668 kilogram per person, produced the major waste in 2012, followed by Cyprus, Luxembourg y Germany, with lower amounts, but above 600 kg. We found a group of countries with levels between 500 and 600 kg: Malta, Ireland, Austria, Netherland, France, Italy, Finland and Greece. UK, Lithuania, Spain, Sweden, Bulgaria, Belgium, Portugal and Hungary were in levels from 400 to 500 kg. Under 400 kilograms by person, there were: Croatia, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Poland, Czech Republic, Latvia and Estonia.… read more →
Early estimates of CO2 emissions from energy use in 2013, CO2 emissions in the EU28 estimated to have decreased by 2.5% compared with 2012. Eurostat estimates that in 2013 carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil fuel combustion decreased by 2.5% in the EU28, compared with the previous year, after a fall of 1.6% in 2012. CO2 emissions are a major contributor to global warming and account for around 80% of all EU greenhouse gas emissions. They are influenced by factors such as climate conditions, economic growth, size of the population, transport and industrial activities. Various EU energy efficiency initiatives aim to reduce emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. It should also be noted that imports and exports of energy products have an impact on CO2 emissions in the country where fossil fuels are burned: for example if coal is imported this leads to an increase in emissions, while if electricity is imported, it has no direct effect on emissions… read more →
This report is the JRC-IPTS contribution to the development of the end-of-waste criteria for copper and copper alloy scrap in accordance with Article 6 of Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on waste (the Waste Framework Directive). The purpose of end-of-waste criteria is to avoid confusion about the waste definition and to clarify when certain waste that has undergone recovery ceases to be waste. Recycling should be supported by creating legal certainty and an equal level playing field and by removing unnecessary administrative burdens. The end-of-waste criteria should provide a high level of environmental protection and an environmental and economic benefit. The recitals of the Waste Framework Directive identify scrap metals as a possible category of waste for which end-of-waste criteria should be developed. Consequently, the Environment Directorate-General requested from the JRC-IPTS a study with technical proposals on end-of waste criteria for copper and copper alloy scrap. This report delivers the results of the study. It… read more →
La planta, un huerto vertical instalado en una antigua fábrica procesadora de carne funcionará a base de biogás generado por un digestor que capta el metano que se forma a partir de la basura orgánica. Diariamente se desperdician toneladas de comida, la mayoría proviene de restaurantes en casi todas las ciudades del mundo. Toda esta basura orgánica puede tener un mejor uso que terminar en un depósito donde se va a descomponer y emitir malos olores. En Chicago, John Edel, un ecológico emprendedor creó “La Planta” de cultivo vertical. Su huerto está instalado en el edificio de una antigua planta procesadora de carne, con la ayuda del estado de Illinois ha logrado transformarla e instalar un sistema de cultivo vertical sustentable que funcionará a base de biogás. Con la ayuda de varias empresas productoras de alimentos en Chicago puede recolectar unas 27 toneladas de residuos de alimentos al día, esto es un aproximado de 11.000 toneladas al año. El sistema… read more →