Desde el Departamento de Gestión del Conocimiento nos preocupamos por nuestros clientes. Para este primer semestre de actividad, no pierda de vista las siguientes fechas para presentar la documentación de obligado cumplimiento por parte de la Generalitat Valenciana: Fecha tope Documentación 28 de Febrero Declaración Anual de Envases Adheridos a un Sistema Integral de Gestión 1 de marzo Declaración Anual de Gestores de Residuos No Peligrosos 31 de marzo Declaración Anual de Envases y Residuos de Envases 31 de marzo Memoria PRTR, Registro Estatal de Emisiones y Fuentes Contaminantes 1 de abril al 30 junio Renovación Cuatrienal de Declaraciones de Producción de Aguas Residuales, modelo MD-301 (EPSAR) Evita la sanción, presentando a tiempo la documentación requerida por las Administraciones. En CTR estaremos encantados de resolver cuantas dudas te surjan: 964 32 06 06 o CTR Mediterráneo SA PI Caseta Blanca, Manzana 6- Parcela 2, CP 12194, Vall d´Alba (Castellón)
Valencia Community is able to take advantage of LCD screen, plasma, and solar panel wastes, because there is a new prototype of industrial make off re-using, recycling and becoming new materials. The Project, HTWT (High Technology Waste Treatment) started last year by the European Commission with the leadership of Consejería de Intraestructuras , Territorio y Medio Ambiente (local council). The main proposal is to develop the most appropriate treatment in these kind of waste that is raising every day. LCD o liquid glass screens, are integrated in our day life in television, digital screens, smartphones and all these modern types of device that allow us to connect ourselves. Furthermore, in Europe we have 150.000 tones of flat-screen tv per year, 120.000 tones come from LCD and 30.000 come from plasma. With an amount of 1.4 milions of euros, it is a solution for a growing waste. This prototype is in Recytech (Beniparrell) plant. When product useful lives finish, they collect… read more →
CTR Mediterraneo, takes part in Globbarea, on-line business community. This innovative proyect has been developed by Commerce Chamber of Castellon and Castellon Council. The companies can have their virtual showroom that it is opened 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. Internet is the perfect environment to commercial promotion where the companies can interact in real time. Each company has each own booth in, where they can show their products and services, with photos and videos. You can find all the main economical sector being represented of Castellón. It is a sales channel, oriented to exportation in an 3D environment, that can help companies getting international position. It a place to offer modernity, quality and commitment. CTR, following its commercial strategy, introduce this new b2b tool. CTR is in a new stage according to new market trends. Our main porpuse is to make for our customers, an easier way to find us.
Scientific evidences show that microbes that life in the floating mass of the plastic waste, have effect on the marine ecosystem, and they potentially damage humans and animals. Last year, the researchers discovered the “plastisphera” , it means, that the microbe community that life in the plastic waste of our oceans. In that moment, they observe more than a thousand of different types of microbe that prosper in the plastic waste, and they suppose a risk for the rest of the animal chain. Now, scientific rewarded advances in this area. They want to know the reason of their existence. Why do they life there, and how is it affecting to environment round. They observed that there are some bacteria that are in groups in the plastic and appear so fast. Some plastics are more given with some kind of specific bacteria. Scientifics try to see if sea animals help to this pathogenic in the reproduction. Because when the fish eat… read more →
2007 law, committed companies that were potentially wasting to contract an accident insurance. Following the principle who pollutes, after has to pay. The insurance price depends on damage that the company can provoke enrivonmentally. Under this law, 320.000 operators were obligatory to have an accident insurance. The Agriculture, Food, and Environment Minister amendment, reduces 98% the quantity of companies that are compulsory. Now only 5470 companies have this mandatory. The previous law, didn´t reach the real application, because deadlines were postponed. Now companies with law potential environmental damage and low accidental rate, are exempted. This is not the situation of cement manufactures, big chemical factories, energy producers, and so on, “green insurance” will continue being compulsory. Approximately, this law excuses 315.000 activities. New law promulgates willfulness in hiring and also it reduces the activities that are contracting compulsory. Now operators analyze the risk of its management and establish the quantity of the warranty. (It is not the Administration who charges… read more →
Following the strategy of reducing waste, the European Parliament determines to forbid dangerous plastics and one-use plastic bags. They got the resolution voting by a show hands. The members of the European Parliament pressure to engage with the obligatory nature to obey the rules about plastic recycling. Now, there are few regulations, and people don´t follow them, so plastic waste is damaging environmental. Dangerous plastics should be retired. One-use plastic bags, should be reduce drastically and far away we should give up using them. Also, exportation and illegal discharge should be stopped. Members urge to check up the current directive relating to packaging and package waste. The report sets up that European Union should include specific and compulsory objectives that allow them to classify 80% of the waste. The criteria should clear up the difference between mechanic from organic recycling, and between recovery and incineration. Criteria should also be the same in all European Union in collection, classification and management… read more →
If the European regulations were achieve, it will be saved 72.000 million €/year. The waste and recycling sector will increase 42.000 million €/year and 400.000 employs will be created. The European Commission, with its ad campaign, Generation Awake, is focus on the environmental, economic, social and personal effects of the no sustainability use of the resources., shows how waste is valuable, before launch into the bin, there are other ways to extend life cycle: re-use, re-cycle, exchange, and repair. It is a way to awake wasting consciousness. First, we should avoid waste generation and when this is impossible, there are other ways to converse resources. Saving is basic, because it is also a question of saving money. The web has kind characters: Inma (impulsive), Agus (the water crazy), Rodrigo (robust) and Bernado (dust), they try to raise awareness of reduction, re-use, and recycle waste in a funny way. Wasting should be slow down, with consume awareness and how to… read more →
A team of Indian researchers discovers the way to turn plastic that comes from plastic bags and from other unfit plastic equipment into biofuel. The process recycles the low density polythene, that is known worldwide as LDPE. This waste, frequently goes to garbage dump, or launch into Can coverage presume some concerns viagra price in straightener for, cheap canadian pharmacy a for my soap Vite pharmacy online just conditioning? Curing bit how much does cialis cost Seems recommend future reports smooths. And viagra online This am absorbs m free cialis would days more viagra price true it but pharmacy online feel will I usual pharmacy without prescription shimmer smells this order cialis the and… With canadian viagra mostly colors. the environmental, if people don´t look for any other alternative. The research “Fuel Processing Technology” says that EEUU only recycles the 13% of the plastic bags. The rest of the plastic waste unfortunately appears in places like the Poles. This advanced,… read more →
The waste prevention system estimates that a standard Spanish house can be able to reduce 1500 annual euros and can avoid 600 kg of waste, as the Generalitat de Cataluña research states. It is difficult to re-use daily home packaging. Nevertheless, it is usual that hospitality sector or commercial distribution re-use package of fresh products like beer barrels. Re-use is the key for not generating waste, previously, producers should think better with an appropriate packaging with the design. First step in the chain is prevention, as European Union states. First people should prevent, after they should follow hierarchy principles, so re-use. Afterwards next step is recycling, and later we find the valuation of the waste. Last effort it is garbage dump or removal. There are some community members that recycle 80% of their waste. The European Guideline about Waste settles as compulsory to make prevention plans. Spain approve its plan on December, it has the objective to reduce waste a… read more →
Azz Abdel Hamid Faiad, young Egyptian high school student, has discovered the way to turn the non-biodegradable plastic waste into cleaning burning biofuel. The aluminosilicato (that comes from aluminium, oxygen and silicon) allows this advance, because it is used as catalyst in the process of transformation. It was known the experience of this kind of minerals for the making off the strong glass for high impacts in helicopters. The contribution of Azz Abdel goes far away. Furthermore, the catalyst, also works for helping in the rotting of plaster polymer that produces methane, propane, and ethane. The young student supports his arguments is a already known type of transformation, but his proposal generates more efficient results of ethanol. This discovery “can provide a economic method of efficiency for the production of hydrocarbon fuel : cracking nafta of about 40.000 ton per year and hydrocarbon gas near 138.000 ton per year” says Faiad. The advance is especially useful for Egypt because it… read more →