Following the strategy of reducing waste, the European Parliament determines to forbid dangerous plastics and one-use plastic bags. They got the resolution voting by a show hands. The members of the European Parliament pressure to engage with the obligatory nature to obey the rules about plastic recycling. Now, there are few regulations, and people don´t follow them, so plastic waste is damaging environmental. Dangerous plastics should be retired. One-use plastic bags, should be reduce drastically and far away we should give up using them. Also, exportation and illegal discharge should be stopped. Members urge to check up the current directive relating to packaging and package waste. The report sets up that European Union should include specific and compulsory objectives that allow them to classify 80% of the waste. The criteria should clear up the difference between mechanic from organic recycling, and between recovery and incineration. Criteria should also be the same in all European Union in collection, classification and management of the waste. Best recycling and compost. The Eurochamber urge to the Commission to submit a proposal for 2014 in order to reduce progressively downloading waste in garbage dump that can be recover or recycle. 2020 is the key year. Recovery and recycling should be promote before incineration. Members show that only 25 % of the plastic is being recycle, there is a potential business in the management of this waste. They estimate that in 2020 if rule were accepted, they saved 72.000 millions of euros per year. And they will create 400.000 employs and a wasting sector of 42.000 millions. Source: