A team of Indian researchers discovers the way to turn plastic that comes from plastic bags and from other unfit plastic equipment into biofuel. The process recycles the low density polythene, that is known worldwide as LDPE. This waste, frequently goes to garbage dump, or launch into
the environmental, if people don´t look for any other alternative. The research “Fuel Processing Technology” says that EEUU only recycles the 13% of the plastic bags. The rest of the plastic waste unfortunately appears in places like the Poles. This advanced, once all technical problems have been solved, allows to recycle part of the petrol and derivative that we find in plastics. This study, goes further away the traditional pirolisis system, divides the biofuel extracted into petrol derivatives products. After, the parts divided are tested and verify if they obey the rules settle into fuel and biofuel national regulations. Brajendra Kumar Sharma, says that the combination of two of the distilled parts are equivalent to pure fuel from EEUU and after they add antioxidant, fulfil all the rules. Scientifics don´t appreciate any incompatibility with biofuel when they mix 30% of recycled fuel with the usual one. In this moment, they are trying to do this process in a commercial way. Now they get from 700 gr of biofuel from a kgr of plastic. Source: Europa Press