The waste prevention system estimates that a standard Spanish house can be able to reduce 1500 annual euros and can avoid 600 kg of waste, as the Generalitat de Cataluña research states. It is difficult to re-use daily home packaging. Nevertheless, it is usual that hospitality sector or commercial distribution re-use package of fresh products like beer barrels. Re-use is the key for not generating waste, previously, producers should think better with an appropriate packaging with the design. First step in the chain is prevention, as European Union states. First people should prevent, after they should follow hierarchy principles, so re-use. Afterwards next step is recycling, and later we find the valuation of the waste. Last effort it is garbage dump or removal. There are some community members that recycle 80% of their waste. The European Guideline about Waste settles as compulsory to make prevention plans. Spain approve its plan on December, it has the objective to reduce waste a 10% from 2020 to 2010. Spanish houses are the third group generating waste in our country. The first position is the mine sector and the second one, construction. Almost 50% of the waste at standard houses, are organics. The European Commission shows the high waste they found in the food industry than comes from the production of the products. Although this waste allows to do compost, urge to get citizen awareness, up to date use-by date labels, and re-distribute better the excess of food. The rest of waste at homes: packaging, paper, cartoon, glass or other. They are 17% of the 137 waste tones that our country accumulates. The prevention Programme, is focus on reducing the waste from the origin. Innovation is the key and should bring us clean products. The taxation and other economical measures should make us efficient resources Producers should be involved and think about suitable products, before producing. They design, produce, and distribute the products, so they are in charge of removal when useful life finishes. Citizens should be aware of the responsable consum and how important is to re-use. They ecological behavior is going to be worthly. Source: El economista