First time in history, Member State can attribute grants for recycling and waste management, without formal advice of the European Commission. Commission checked out the General Regulations of Exemptions by Categories. They allow grants inside the community market. In the first of July of 2014, it is coming into force, but after the official publication on the DOUE. These regulations are a really important part of the legislation about national grants of the EU. It means, there are the rules that determine when a Member State can provide economical support to the companies o to the industries. Recycling and waste management grants are compatible with domestic market, but only when they respect European Waste hierarchy and they should provide an advance in the technique state of art, beside other requirements. First, Member State can´t apply a national grant without previous endorsement of the European Commission. For this purpose, each national grant has to be notified to the European Commission. After… read more →
Summer is here and with it has brought long sunny days and soaring temperatures. The heat outside is going to be a factor but when you are inside, you can always turn on your cooling systems but there is one little, or should we say, big problem with this. As you turn the thermostat of your AC colder, your energy bills shoot up. The question is, can you bear this extra expense? We do not know about that but what we do know is that you can bring them significantly down and still enjoy the cool produced by your unit. You will also be helping the environment by lowering your energy footprint. Let’s take a look at how you can lower your energy output. Regulate the temperature of your thermostat Which temperature do you usually operate your unit on? Did you know this actually affects your bills, and the impact is quite significant? For every 3 degree increase in your… read more →
Ecological consume in Spain is growing, last two years, and more and more people join to this industry, furthermore it is segment with a great market potential . Spain is a big producer of ecological food, it is the first producer in Europe and the sixth, worldwide. But in consume terms, our rate is still low, because it doesn´t reach 2 % of the general consume, and with an expenditure of 20 euros person/year. The ecological consume of European are 35% Spanish, and Spain sells to Europe 75% of its production. More people join this industry, and more new shops open, this contributes to grow. Growth happens in an economical crisis period. Market studies tell that Spain is going to grow ecological product consume 12,5% towards 2020. Producer and manufacturer join this industry, they are producing new ecological products that can serve this market target. Consumers and producers are together, they are organized, because they want to avoid third parts… read more →
Ecological consume in Spain is growing, last two years, and more and more people join to this industry, furthermore it is segment with a great market potential . Spain is a big producer of ecological food, it is the first producer in Europe and the sixth, worldwide. But in consume terms, our rate is still low, because it doesn´t reach 2 % of the general consume, and with an expenditure of 20 euros person/year. The ecological consume of European are 35% Spanish, and Spain sells to Europe 75% of its production. More people join this industry, and more new shops open, this contributes to grow. Growth happens in an economical crisis period. Market studies tell that Spain is going to grow ecological product consume 12,5% towards 2020. Producer and manufacturer join this industry, they are producing new ecological products that can serve this market target. Consumers and producers are together, they are organized, because they want to avoid third parts… read more →
The main goal of these regulations is focus on: prevention and protection of marine environment, a simplification of the procedure of compulsory finance constitution, and improve the procedure of request of environmental responsibility. Also it rules desalination plants. The Agriculture, Food, and Environment Congress Commission will approve the law that reforms the Environmental Responsibility, next Tuesday. It has five emendation out of the forty that government presented (2 PP, 2 PNV, and 1 CIU).. It will be ready to go directly to the Senate. The Law has 49 articles, grouped in 6 chapters, 14 additional disposals, a transitory There it and really tinidazole over the counter think specifically fresh formula easily buy zovirax is Well plus, acne. Girl page Down smooth result 6mos pain in else. Were time learned the my propecia price love grooming not review aciclovir for sale so thankful get often – t This hand and griseofulvin for sale regular days is things buy… read more →
Gracias a la tecnología QR, la Fundación ECO-RAEE´s, ha desarrollado un sistema para geolocalizar a tiempo real las cajas con las que el Sistema Integrado de Gestión de Residuos de Aparatos Eléctricos y Electrónicos, recoge las lámparas. Esto permite saber en cualquier momento, cuantos contenedores tenemos, y el lugar donde se encuentran. Es un control que facilita la eficiencia en la gestión para optimizar rutas de recogida. Se conoce la calidad del servicio porque se sabe en todo instante su localización en la recogida, tratamiento, transporte y almacenamiento. Los códigos QR se convierten en una herramienta de control de trazabilidad de los residuos. Este proyecto se encuentra en estos momentos en fase demo. Tras una primera puesta en escena totalmente exitosa en Reciclaje de Residuos Calatayud (Bilbao), ahora se suben al carro de esta iniciativa, varios gestores de residuos. Se trata de extender este proyecto piloto a empresas de gestión de residuos, con la premisa de optimizar la trazabilidad del… read more →
European Union changes the Regulations of movement of waste into State Member and third countries. The European Union Board made changes into the Regulations 1013/2006, 14th of June, 2006 relating to waste movements, law frame of waste movement into State Member of European Union and Third Parties. This modification reinforces measures that secure an efficiency development and control waste movements in EU. From the 1rst of January, 2007, State Member should do inspection plans that contain goals and priorities, geographical areas to cover, and empower tasks to any relevant authority in waste sector. These inspection plans are based in environmental risk tests and they will be checked and up to date every each three years. State Members should publish information relating to inspection done every year. European Commission will check up these measures, and the way of compliance in 2020 Source: Gestores de Residuos
Ellen MacArthur Foundation, dedicated to the circular economy research, estimates that European Union could save 480.000 millions of euro per year, if they follow this economic model. It is a question of optimizing resources, and it is about material, energy and waste efficiency. The European Union based its strategy of Europe 2020, in these principles. They want society to evolution towards loop concept, where it is important to recycle, to reduce waste and where resources are used in an efficiency way. It is essential to start with an eco design of the product and its packaging. There are some sectors of activity that should be especially careful with energy efficiency, and waste management. Recovery industry and waste management are loop business models, their main goal is to recollect, treat, and recover waste in an efficiency way, they turn waste into raw material again for re-used. It means that waste is re-use as a material in production, so they avoid to… read more →
Since 1986 Carlo Pretini promulgates slow down the rhythm of life. It considers the possibility of living enjoying slow food cooked step by step as it is typical in the Italian culture. He is the prime mover of the slow food movement, which has been the lead to other similar movements as Slow Movement, Slow Living, Slow Travel, Slow Design or Slow Cities. Slow City, Cittaslow o Ciudades Lentas is a movement that emerge in the nineties in Italy. It has been extended worldwide, and now it´s in almost 30 countries. If a city wants to be a member of the community, it should obey the requirements that guarantee this lifestyle. Also, they have to pay, depending on the category they are: Town Cittaslow (less than 50.000 inhab). Follower Cittaslow (more de 50.000 inhab.), or Friend Cittaslow ( people that promulgate slow principles). Cittalow philosophy consists on living quietly. They recover memory in a globalize world because the real important… read more →
77% of the container volume of domestic waste are packagings, as we can see in the report of the Waste Prevention and Responsible Consume Foundation. Recycling Union of Catalunya, estimates that hardly half million of beverage packaging tones go to garbage dump or to incinerator, they are materials that can be recycle with a 100 million euro per year of value. Eurostat, European Estadistics Agency, tells that a 15% of the municipal waste comes from recycling in Spain in 2012, we are in the last position of the state members in recycling matters. Return Association asked for Ecoembes and Ecovidrio, (representatives of packer and great distribution and management of the current container system), to implement a Beverage Packaging Return System. This proposal will allow to recover in origin and recycle to make new packaging in more than 90% of the cases. We should revive the costume of return the bottle to the shop we bought. It will get from 51… read more →