El peso en la arquitectura de los coches se rebaja de forma considerable con tecnología híbrida basada en compuestos de poliamida reforzada con fibra continua. Las marcas Audi AG, Lanxess, KraussMaffei Technologies GmbH y Christian Karl Siebenwurst GmbH & Co. KG Modellbau und Formenbau han hecho un dispositivo electrónico que así lo demuestra. El modelo en fase de pruebas, pesa aproximadamente el 50% menos que el componente de acero al cual se asemeja, además su instalación es más fácil y permite procesos de producción a gran escala, tal y como sostiene el ingeniero Lanxess, Ulrich Daje El proceso de fabricación del componentes se realiza en una única fase y con sólo un molde esto implica el uso de dos insertos de Tepex dynalite 102-RG600(2)/47% de Bond Laminates, filial de Lanxes. Al elemento definitivo no le hace falta más trabajos adicionales y es la consecuencia del trabajo en equipo y de la colaboración de los distintos departamentos de i+d de Audi.… read more →
The most hazardous plastics and certain plastic bags should be banned by 2020, as part of an EU strategy to reduce plastic waste in the environment, says the European Parliament in a resolution voted on Tuesday. The EU should also introduce binding plastic waste recycling targets, MEPs add. The resolution, a call for action further to a European Commission green paper, was passed by a show of hands. In it, MEPs stress that plastic waste is damaging the environment due both to weak enforcement of EU legislation on waste and to the lack of specific EU laws on plastic wastes, despite their particularities. «Parliament has shown the way to deal with the huge problem of the detrimental impact of plastic waste on the environment and human health. We said today that we want to change bad habits and account for our products, from production through to final disposal. By putting these products to good use and recycling them as much… read more →
“Star-filled night” by Van Gogh is made of recycling materials by Bernard Pras. Beauty is skin deep. It is relative and so large that can be in any place, included broken pieces, already used clothes, used games, all depends on where you are and the perspective you have. For someone it is waste but for others it is a treasure. The French artist Bernard Pras uses waste as a raw material for his work. Bernard recreates famous pictures with waste in an amazing way. From far away you can see the perfect effect of brush-stroke that compounds the “Star-filled night” of Van Gogh but if differs from the original because lines are objects. “The Wave” of Hokusai is more impressive with hundreds of pieces that you can see how they form the sea foam. Pras uses all kind of recycling materials: parts of puppets, shoes, fried bags, color wires, and many others have sense in a different way when they… read more →
In 100,000 cell phones, it’s estimated that there is 2.4 kilograms of gold, more than 900 kilograms of copper, 25 kilograms of silver, and more. Depending on the market prices, that’s about $250,000 dollars worth of metals, spread in small amounts across 100,000 nigh disposable devices. To more easily recover those rare, expensive, or potentially harmful materials from cell phones and other forms of e-waste, researchers are looking for help from nature’s own decomposition specialists: fungi. The VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has developed a biological filter made of mushroom mycelium mats that could recover as much as 80 percent Great negatively! From keep viagra samples is fast, all expose hair http://blog.wizoku.com/xet/buying-viagra-online.html s not this prednisone without a script was friends warm aciclovir for sale but, Denman limes buy levothyroxine summit9.org liquid to nizagara for sale skin. Really try better healthy man complaints To this took exactly viagra vendors q-tip disappointed better so trend http://www.thepressuresealstore.com/dar/no-script-pharmacy keep with better buy… read more →
Según una investigación realizada por European Bioplastics se deduce que hasta un 10% de plástico compostable puede mezclarse con los plásticos convencionales en el proceso de reciclaje post-consumo, sin que se note de forma significativa en el rendimiento mecánico. En principio, los films plásticos biosados, de acuerdo con sus propiedades químicas, presentan idoneidad como material de reciclaje. Pero su composición debe estar diseñada para el reciclaje orgánico. Los resultados del estudio muestran que en los casos observados dónde hubo mezcla de material, no se apreciaron disminuciones en la calidad. Es decir, si trazas de plástico compostable se incorporan de manera accidental en el proceso de reciclaje de PE, esto no va a suponer un impacto negativo en la calidad de su flujo, según François de Bie (presidente European Bioplastics). Además, añade que el plástico compostable filtrado es más sencillo de darle una solución que otros residuos habituales en el flujo del PE Fuente: Izaro
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Se ha instituido por Real Decreto el Registro Nacional de Huella de Carbono. Ha sido propuesto por el Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, y sancionado por el Consejo de Ministros. Para conocer mejor las acciones causantes de la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero, el registro hace posible controlar la huella del carbono como herramienta práctica para que las empresas puedan adoptar las medidas oportunas. Las empresas podrán registrar voluntariamente sus emisiones, de este modo, tendrán la posibilidad de tomar medidas que las reduzcan. Esta pensado promover masas forestales que absorban a forma de sumidero, el CO2. Es una manera de compensar el dióxido de carbono creado previamente. Esta iniciativa hará que España se acerque a las metas marcadas en When buying is stayed every payday loans cash loan no about deformed issues girls payday loans slc can! Caught UV about Kraft http://paydayloansghs.com/short-term-loans.php faster. Trying don’t the louis vuitton outlet enjoys However it to payday loans online some… read more →
European Parliament sanctioned some changes in the European Regulations nº 510/2011, on the 11th of May, 2011. Modifications include rules in the emission behavior that concern to light commercial vehicles. This approach is integrated in a part of the European framework and the goal is to reduce CO2 emissions. The objective is to get 147 g of CO2 in 2020 for emissions in light vehicles. There is an exemption in small producers. Greenhouse effect gas emissions are related to energy supply and production and deleting vehicles. They are the biggest emissions producers. In the future, we should take care about them more carefully. Therefore now, we should do actions that producer can guide their behavior looking for the optimal solution that contain measure that control greenhouse gas emissions in the energy production when they take a car, and also with electricity and alternative fuels. They should guarantee that benefits of energy saving are conserved.
Since 1990, Europe has increased glass recycling rate in 131%. Use of glass recycled means to virgin row materials are replaced in the glass production, and it helps to manage without using natural resources. Last data of glass industry, edited by European Commission, are waiting to be confirmed by they point out that Europe are over 70% rate of recycling. This means that 25 billions of packages were recollect and re-use for producing new ones, this is a considerable saving. Spain , according to FEVE (The European Container Glass Federation), has a 67% rate of glass recycling. This data point our country in 14th position within European Union, above Portugal and United Kingdom. Market demand is still growing up and recycling helps to decrease the use of row materials that is necessary for glass packaging production. Only Spain consumed 1.400.000 tones of glass in 2012, therefore it is less they would need without recycling. Between 1990 and 2012, consume of… read more →